Monday, April 25, 2011


We are always blessed when Daniel returns home. We enjoy his company and are challenged by God's work in and through him. Assisting Dan's desire to have a concert is a pleasure. But this time God and Dan really overwhelmed us!

Many of you know that our ISI National Staff Conference will be in Hong Kong this summer. This is challenging from many perspectives. We have never been to Asia, the cost is, well, very expensive .... Because we are required to attend we are counting on Our Father's resources to make it happen for us. By Faith we made plans, bought tickets and applied for visas.

The stage was set; our travels kept us distracted so we missed some clues; and halfway through this wonderful evening concert a "special video presentation" highlighted our upcoming 40th wedding anniversary and trip to HongKong for ISI. We were totally surprised by what came next. Daniel announced that the performers and technicians had all donated their time and talents so that 100% of the evenings proceeds could be donated to us for the China trip! WOW!

Even now I am overwhelmed and blessed and speechless at this outpouring of love and grace! Praise God! We are one/third there!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Another Rockville!

A blessed and fruitful time in Rockville, Maryland!

We left Ithica, New York and drove to Rockville, Maryland. There we enjoyed the hospitality of a wonderful couple that reaches out to international students through ESL classes held in their home! Richard shared in 2 services in their church on Sunday, and Carol shared in their ESL Sunday class. Richard told "Gau's" story of his first time in a church. Gau heard a message by a departing intern sharing God's leading and saying goodbye to the church family. Gau shared, " When I heard of the faithfulness and love of God it seemed altogether reasonable to me to open my heart to Him." Such a sweet story, for this man had yet much to learn about our wonderfull Savior ... but he was ready to receive. Richard encouraged us to be a faithful and loveful witness as we reach out to international students and love them into the kingdom.

We met some former international students who told us that Richard was telling their story and as a result, they now want to be involved in reaching out to others ... I love it when God turns on the light! We are so blessed to see this ministry warmly received by pastors and laity alike. Many signed up to do whatever they could to help.

Monday, April 4, 2011

NE Reg'l Staff Conference: Ithica, NY

dateline: March 11, 2011 We traveled to Ithica, NewYork; location of Cornell University for our annual regional staff conference. Dr. Koshi was our main speaker. He came to Syracuse, NY as an international student and stayed to answer God's call to be able to address the despair and lonliness international students feel with Christian love and hospitality. He determined to come and share with us despite illness and was visibly strengthened after prayer. He challenged us to love lavishly and sacrificially, like Jesus loves us.

Our prayer times strengthened us all and help us get acquainted with folks who are new or visiting.
We had 5 guests as a result of our contacts. One husband was so excited that he decided to become an active partner with his wife in this ministry and could see his giftings fitting in to extend the kingdom! Another young man left encouraged, considering becoming staff.
On Saturday we prayer walked the local campus, Cornell. It is exciting to see that the local staff are already experiencing breakthroughs with students as a result of the prayer that weekend! God is good! One student of Hindu background prayed to renounce all influence of hindu gods. A muslim student sought to begin an intensive Bible study. We are blessed to be a part of this family of believers and excited to see God moving in student lives in this new outreach area.