Wednesday, May 18, 2011

When God has His eye on an area we see Him attract a cluster of churches . Sometimes this happens in "prominent", "important" areas like Baltimore, MD, Washington D.C., or NewYork City. Other times we are called to remote places like Northville, NY or Lewisburg, PA. Areas like these small towns have community colleges and small private colleges. One might never suspect a future world leader coming out of a school like this - but they do! Kofi Annan from Ghana, former Secretary General of the United Nations, is one example. He began his college education

in a small community college in PA.

Because our Father knows all things we are happy to go where-ever He leads and encourage His people to reach out in His love to the future world leaders among us.

We are blessed to serve with others who catch the vision for the potential in the international students here.