Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hard Questions

 It was a great way to begin the semester.  John Rankin was invited to come to ICF and speak.  An intellectual's intellectual and a humble lover of Jesus, John challenged our thinking and living with his thoughts.

He began with some teaching from Genesis.  God's name is Yahweh Elohim: greater than space, time and number.

John challenged us that the goal in talking with people of different persuasion isn't to win a debate, but to win a relationship.

Do not be afraid of hard questions ... John wanted our take away to be that Jesus loves hard questions.

John proposed hard questions.  He asked us some hard questions.  Then he took hard questions from us.

As we meet with PhD candidates, this is good news! And the students are given freedom to ask, and ask and ask! 

It was good to hear from students the following week that the evening had been thought provoking and encouraging!

Thank you John!