Saturday, April 27, 2013

Good News from UConn ICF!

We have great stories form our last couple meetings.

One of graduate students received freedom during a time of worship when we were worshiping about how God breaks every chain. She felt the tangible presence of God come to her and break off some chains. Following this event, God set in order some relationships to bring healing and clarity in a transforming way.

One of volunteers went through a difficult trial when they found out that a potential cyst could be cancerous. In the heat of the trial of their faith, God spoke to the father(about his daughter) in a powerful way that she was going to be ok. The cyst is benign!
One of volunteers had a baby about 4 months went through a trial of their faith, when their baby was born with no heart beat. They prayed calling the baby to live and not die and the baby came back to life and they called off the coroner. Later the baby was healed of some stuff further and is doing fine now.

We also rejoice! because an international professor along with his daughter received Christ after a long journey of inquiry and seeking the truth. We celebrate the gift of salvation and coming into the family.

Last night, God poured out his Spirit on us and we prayed for one another that the power of fear would be broken over our lives and that God's love would be poured out and that we would remain strong in our faith in spite of the obstacles. There were very few people in the room that did not feel the love of our heavenly Father in room!

We thank God and give Him Glory for these awesome things He has done!

from Will Meier

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